JaneSonia’s cryptic project decoder: a poem book?…
Why not the other 3 bird nightmare projects?
They will come. This is my ice-breaker piece.
I was trying to make 'shitpost' ideas for my personal instagram account. At the back of my head, my poems were roaming as I
previously showed some of them to my S.SC. group of friends. I went digging up more and more poems and writings; as I kept putting it together I realize...
"Ah crap, this is a book."
Which embarked my research into copyright, publishing, revision, editing, etc. Finally to push myself to POST something done.
The bestest way I could describe to 'sell' this book:
For the hearts that hunt for the eternal ways of sanctified living. Even realizing it through the mundanity of secularity. For those who take up their cross as a reminder of a past renounced and borne once more. Even in creativity.